Monday, January 9, 2012

Great History and Buildings Here in Moscow-Red Square

These Next Picturesare different viewsof Red Squareone of the most prominent visitors attractionof Moscow. St Basels Cantederal in the background

Red Square covers a lot of acres along one of the rivers. Here you can see through the Arch way the above Cathedral in the background. These huge old buildings were part of the Kremlin where the ruling Communist Party controlled everything. Many of the buildings have been preserved but are used for high end offices or very elaborate shopping malls.

The big building in the background is part ofRed SquareAnd the administrative buildingsUnder the communist rule. It is now probably the most elite shopping mall in this huge city.For example, Two vehicles on display sold for over $260,000 each. Much of the Communist military power would be put on display in this part of Red Square.It is huge.

This is a brief Picture summary of the historic year of 2011 for us.Our experiences here have been many firsts as outlined in some of our earlier e-mails. We have loved and cherished every part of our mission here.We miss our wonderful family and loved ones, but have kept busy with many things here which has brought us great joy in our service.

Teaching in Ukraine-Odessa 2011

One of our highlight experiences here in Moscow has been to teach for the Leavitt Institute, first Simphrople and then in Odessa, both a part of Ukraine.Here I taught in two different law schools two students who were in their fourth and fifth year in the study of law.This was a long oval-shaped table with students all around,with about 25 in class. We were very impressed with the quality of these young people.

We sent earlier pictures Of the Opera House in Odessa. Inside that Opera House however There is a Left side of the stage and the right side of the stage With these little boxesWhere the high society Visitors enjoy the Opera. This was an absolute amazing experience and the Opera Hall is one-of-a-kind.

While the buildings are great,The traditions are also very interesting. This display contains weddingHearts and Padlocks of different people Married in Odessa. There are literally thousands of them along this bridge Built by a wealthy prominent man over a Large ravine as his mother-in-law lived on one side and he lived on the other. The bridges is several hundred yards long and contains thousands of padlocks, until the law changed prohibiting any new padlocks because of the weight.

This is the town square in Odessa and in the background are some amazing old buildings 200 to 300 years old but well preserved. The statute is of Catherine the great, one of the rulers who liked and sent manyMillions of dollars To build a lot of this town.The rulers and Wealthy Vacation here in Odess on the coast of the Black Sea

Moscow and Kiev-2011

When Communism ruled in Russia,the dictators tried to shut downbelief in God and even destroyed many churches. However but, behind closed doors and in homesChristianity remains strong.Like this church you see in the background many churches were restored , preserving the great beautyof these historic buildings.

We found this statute in KievVery interesting. It represents Andrew, an apostle at the time of Christ And by their tradition He visited In Ukraine And brought Christianity.

The city of Keiv Was, at one time in history, surrounded By a massive Wall To protect
The people. There were large ruling and powerful families that sought power and control.This structure is a large arched gate, the only remaining part of the wall still standing.

This is president Galbreath and his wife, president Of the Keiv Temple,He and I were in the elders quorum many years ago at BYU. The world is much smallerAs we servedIn these far-off countries where we have met many and enjoyed association of people we have knownin the past. One of the great Wonders of the GospelIs to be clear over in this part of the world and find faithful members serving with great diligence.The Galbreath left 10 children and a few more grandchildren than we have, first to serve as mission presidents and then Now as Temple President.

Full Summer-Erinn's Graduation

Fortunately We Returned Home from New York, Morgantown, and Louisiana to join in the festivities of Erinn's graduation We Have Loved so Much Living Close and enjoying Erinn's great Spirit, sweet loving personality and exceptional talent on the piano.

Erinn quickly gaines the love of everybodyShe's around And it was a great example for her family and friends And influence the whole community.

Wendell H. Walker Reunion in Afton, Wyoming

It was a wonderful occasion to be with all of the family just before Marianne and I flew to Moscow Russia. We were to leave August 29, 2011 and be gone for 18 months.

Several of you children were there to Enjoy this special occasion with us. And we enjoyed All of the activities which reflected upon our Ancestors And the struggles,Inspired conversions,And opportunitiesThat opened to each of themAs they live the gospel of Jesus Christ

We love this beautiful placeAnd the hospitality of Bill and Karyn and their family.Karen was not physically there,But we certainly felt her presence and influence.

Nathan and Rebekah-August 2011

We have lots of pictures, but these tworepresenta great occasionof Nathan and Rebekah's in the San Diego Temple.What a great occasionto be with family on both sides for this special event.

Fiddlers Festival and Time with Kirsten and Family

We Had a Great Time This Summer with family reunions, Fiddler's Festival, and time with Kiersten and her children. It Was a Great Summer and on July 5 We Received Our formal mission called to serve a senior couples mission in Moscow, Russia. We were called to serve as assistant legal counsel for the Europe East area under the direction of Robert Lochhead as the area legal counsel.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Daniel's Graduation from High School-2011

The Highlight of Our Trip to Louisiana was Daniel's graduation from high school. He had done very well on the Academic Side of his high school career and obviously had great respect him admiration from his friends and classmates.

We Had a Great Visit with the whole family and spend time with grandma Coenen. We are thankful for that time as Ted's father had passed away just beforehis visit.

Visit the French Quarters and Great Dining

Most of you who have visited Ted and Lori remember the great experiences of driving to New Orleans and Seeing the Remains of the Hurricane and also visiting French quarters. It Was Great to Dine with Family and then visit French quarters for special dining. The Mississippi River was at flood stage and it was spectacular to see the amount of water flowing into that area.

From New York City to Monroe, Louisiana

Fortunately we arrived in Monroe so that w could enjoy seeing Daniels Eagle project,where he remodeled an observation deck in the zoo. He did a great job and enjoyed working with his dad and both grandfathers on this project

we were also able to attend is Eagle scout awards CeremonyAnd listen to some of his leaders E explain a great job Daniel had done

His dad and mom and grandparents had great reason to be very proud of his accomplishment.

Morgantown, West Virginia, May 2011

We traveled with Steve & Kiersten To Derrel's graduation and enjoyed Loading the moving Van,visiting, painting there basement, eating,having fun together and enjoying being with Kim Derre , their family and friends.

What a great occasion it was to witness
Derrel's graduation from medical school.


May in New York City

In May We Spent about 10 days-wonderful days with Steve and Kirsten Doing All Kinds of Wonderful things and visiting some great historical sites in that area and city.Ellis Island,the statue of liberty,high up in the Rockefeller Center, ground zero and many other things. What a wonderful trip and time we get together.

Steve & Kirsten Rented A vehicle and we drove together
To Derrel's graduation
In Morgantown, West Virginia.

Reflections of 2011 January 10-15

After Enjoying the Christmas Season of 2010,we had a January activity for the young single adults at the cabin. I invited Tristan Winegar to go up to the cabin with me on Monday so we would be ready for the activity on Friday and Saturday. Fortunately he brought some friends because we found our big truck and snowcat completely covered with snow as you can see in this picture.We finally uncovered the snowcat, got it started and thought we had done our day's work. We left for the cabin and all went well until we reached the road just passed Hanson's water slide where we found trees down across the road too big and heavy for the snowcat to go over. When we realized we couldn't even pull the trees out of the way with the snowcat, we were glad Tristan had four other friends with him. Some started digging with shovels and others went after a chainsaw. We spent the rest of the day with chainsaws, shovels and the snowcat removing 19 trees it had literally been pushed down by the heavy snow across the road. With additional work on two different days later we had a wonderful YSA activity with about 80 attending at the cabin. It was a great successful event.