Sunday, February 19, 2012

Inside the theater waiting for sound of music

We braved the cold weather and went to see the sound of music. It was in Russian, but none the lessit was absolutely fantastic. We loved every bit of it. I hope this blog hasn't been too boring, but it's hard to get pictures to showhow things really are.

Modern Russians shopping mall

The last event of that January 2, 2012 was to visit one of the most modern Russian shopping malls. American private business, and private business enterprise is very prevalent over here.

Mosaic of brass

Here is yet another type of artwork-Mosaic brass. Much of this work was done in the Soviet era and those leaders were able to convince people that the communistic system looked after every aspect of life and was designed to bring prosperityto all.

As we know counterfeits seldom work, but we talk to peoplewho interesting enough, still look back on that era with fondness and claim that life was good.

More art

Some of these mosaics cover the whole end wall. The senior couples spent about three hours that day going from one station to anothe, just amazedeverything that's depicted through this artwork, military, family, public life, recreational activities,different types of industry, gardening, and many other aspects Russian history. It's a grand tour in and of itself. When it was finished most of us went to dinnerat the American sonic diner. It was a great day.

Garden theme mosaic

These pictures only show a small part of what's depicted. These were sculptures out of marble.

Mosaic art

Here is a different kind of Mosaic in a different Metro station usually centered around a different type of thing or life style.

Metro tour continuing

They have bigger than life-size monuments, statute, and marble sculptures.

Art Museum continued

I had to get a picture of us making his tour and the amazing Metro station in the background.There are presently about 14 senior couples serving here in Moscow in all different kinds of responsibilities. CES directors, humanitarian services, financial auditors the train local stake and priesthood leaders, Mission home assistance, substance abuse Directors, legal assistance, and several others. We have some great activities together approximately once per week.

Metro station-Art Museum

You saw us looking up in the last blog picture because on the ceilingof that and some of the other metro stations you have mosaic artworkof amazing quality, realizing,these stations were were built in themid-30s through the 1940s.They are right up in the oval ceiling and detect all kinds of life in Russia. This one depicts a church steeple with airplanes flying overhead. It is amazing to see the great variety with the amazing beauty.

Tour of the Brown Metro lines January 2, 2012

If you look at a mapof Moscow, you will seea ring around the center, which is one of the main roads which circles the city. Underground, one of the more elaborate of the 10 or 12 Metro lines is the brown lines which circles the city in a complete circle. It has some of the most amazing Metro stations I think anywhere in the world.

This pictures just one of those stations where a Metro trainmade up of about 10 big passenger cars comes every minute and a half every two minutes and loads with passengers. You will note it is fairly empty so the people you see there are the senior couples toured with us.The rest of the Russians were still sleeping after their big New Year'sthe party.

Fireworks from the 18th floor of our apartment building

I tried to upload a little video taken out of our apartment window looking south over the city of Moscow. It was an absolute beautiful sight at night with all the fireworks going off in different places in parts of the city. They were huge displays, some close but most of the big ones along his way, but you can hear the cannons blowing one after another. Apparently there was trouble with the upload however so there will not be a picture unless it miraculously appears somewhere .

Russian Christmas festivities --huge fireworks

Mom and I finally went to bed around 1:30 a.m.but the missionaries. On for another hour or so having a great evening together as a district. We spent some time reviewing and talking about some of the great successes they had had in their missionary work. We have two couches which making into beds and others slept on other parts of the couch, or the pillows.
All in all they have a great evening and woke up in the morning feeling well and strong and attended our church meetings.

New Year's festivities continue.

The mission president required that the district elders stay together for the New Year's activity. Few of them have a big enough apartment for the them all join together and anyway we love to have him over to our apartment. All six of them plus Elder and sister Johnson, the new executive Secretary for the area presidency spent the evening with us. We had a great meal with two kinds of soup and homemade bread and everybody loved. Later in the evening we had tapioca pudding furnished by one of the missionaries then a little later chocolate pudding we made and finally popcorn and scones just before midnight. We had a great event, with the Johnsons leavingabout 10:30PM and the missionaries stayed overnight as required by the mission president.

New Year's Eve activities-guess who

Again a question,which is the most beautiful?Easy answer, they are beautiful flowers. Each morning as we walked to work along the main road there is a little flower shop right along the side walk and we think the little lady takes care of it sleeps there all night, at least some of the time.

It's a miracle that you can buybeautiful flowers over hereat this time of year, but you can as there aren't many flower shops. They cost 120 rubles each. You can buy 30 rubles for one dollar, so they're still fairly expensive, but they were worth it for my beautiful wife.

Starting new year in Moscow, Russia, January 1, 2012

The only Christmas present mom let me buy for her were these beautiful roses and then I really had to do without her consent.You can easily tell who's the most beautiful, she is without question.